The client would like to have a friendly image manager to upload, delete and select image files. Dropzone seems to have a product that has a small footprint and fits the bill.
Tiles may be customized by the client by filling in a title, summary and associate an appropriate icon. In this case, we probably don't want the users to add their own images, but there are other areas where it would be desirable.
The user starts of editing a tile with the options of clicking on the tile itself to pull down a dialog where the title and summary may be edited. By clicking on the 'Select Icon' button (or eventually by clicking on the existing icon), they should be presented an image manager.
Right now, that consists of a target where files may be dragged and dropped to upload files. Additional code should be used or implemented to view the client's images that have already been uploaded or that are available for the current widget.
Like you would expect, simply select your files and drop them on the target.
After the files are dropped, the images will be queued up and uploaded to the server, providing a progress bar at the bottom and a status symbol in the top right-hand corner (green check == success, red 'X' == failed).
Again, this is a great starting spot to work on a more complete image manager. The functions with this library may already account for such a tool, making this an easier task. Sure, there are other image managers out there, but in the attempt to promise the moon, they can get a little burdensome to manage/integrate and they often come packaged with a huge wysiwyg solution that you don't necessarily want to pack into your web application.
We'll see how things proceed and if we can easily use this tool to create a simple and clean image manager.