Java; JMockit
Class MockUp
Introduction to JMockit
public void testDoBusiness() { Mockit.setUpMocks(MockCustomerDao.class) List<Customer> customers = service.doBusiness();
Class Mockit
@Deprecated public static void setUpMocks(Object... mockClassesOrInstances)
Instructed to use MockUp instead.
How to mock the default constructor of the Date class with JMockit?
long time = SystemTime.asMillis(); Calendar calendar = SystemTime.asCalendar(); Date date = SystemTime.asDate();
"it's good practice to use a SystemTime abstraction in your java classes. Replace your method calls (System#currentTimeMillis and Calendar#getInstance) and direct construction (new Date()) with static method calls"
Class Mockit; documentation
[[method summary]] appears that I have been finding lots of documentation that contains deprecated calls. Once I get that code working, I need to find out what the current way of doing business is.
JMockit Quick Tutorial (Cheat sheet)
[[tutorial table of contents]] and static methods
@Test public void shouldMockStaticMethod() { new NonStrictExpectations() { final MockitEg mock = null; { MockitEg.shoeSize(); result = new MockitEgDelegate(); } }; assertThat(MockitEg.shoeSize(), is(equalTo(MOCK_SHOE_SIZE))); }
There seems to be many ways of using JMockit. This example might hold some clues to understanding how to mock static methods. Other examples seem to indicate there is no difference between mocking static and instance methods. What happens, however, when there is a method with the same name for both static and instance scopes?
Mocking Static Method Calls
public class SweetLittleMock { // Same signature as static method in real class public static String doStuff() { return "SweetLittleMock"; } }
Another example of mocking static methods.
jmockit, openJDK and UnsatisfiedLinkError
Try adding <jdk6home>/lib/tools.jar to the classpath, before jmockit.jar. If that doesn't solve the problem, passing -javaagent:jmockit.jar as a JVM initialization parameter definitely should.
The problem I was having got resolved when I 1) specified JUnit 4 (instead of 3.x.x) in my pom.xml and 2) installed the Eclipse plugin for JMockit ("JMockit Eclipse Plug-in"; Help > Eclipse Marketplace > Find).
Getting started with the JMockit Testing Toolkit
If you are developing on JDK 1.5, then make sure that -javaagent:jmockit.jar (with the proper absolute or relative path to jmockit.jar) is passed as an initialization parameter to the JVM when running tests. This standard JVM initialization parameter causes it to load on start-up the "Java agent" that JMockit uses internally for bytecode instrumentation; this is required to work in all standard JVMs since version 1.5, in all OSs. You may have to use this parameter even on a newer JDK 1.6+, if its Attach API implementation is not supported by JMockit: such is the case with the IBM J9 JDK 1.6, the Mac OS X JDKs, and with JDKs for the Solaris OS. If you use TestNG in a JDK 1.6+ environment, JMockit can be initialized in one of three possible ways (apart from use of "-javaagent" indicated above, which can also be used). See this page for details.
Again, installing the Eclipse plug-in did the trick for me.
mockito; simpler & better mocking
[[mockito logo]] nice and simple, but this being my first time in a long time of unit testing with Java, I don't want to feel like I'm limiting myself.
What's the best mock framework for Java? [closed]
RDoc documentation
Hyperlinks to the web starting http:, mailto:, ftp:, or www. are recognized. An HTTP url that references an external image file is converted into an inline <IMG..>. Hyperlinks starting 'link:' are assumed to refer to local files whose path is relative to the --op directory. Hyperlinks can also be of the form label[url], in which case the label is used in the displayed text, and url is used as the target.
How to word wrap in Vim
:set textwidth=80 :set wrapmargin=2
I also created some useful functions in my .vimrc file:
function! TurnOnLineWrap(...) " :set textwidth=80 :set wrapmargin=2 endfunction function! TurnOffLineWrap(...) " :set textwidth=0 :set wrapmargin=0 endfunction
Java; JTestR (testing Java with Ruby)
JtestR bundles the Ruby mocking framework Mocha. This is the mocking framework used for mocking in both Test/Unit and RSpec tests. For several reasons the RSpec way of mocking doesn't fit well with mocking of Java classes. Mocha on the other hand supports this quite easily.
'RSpec' example for JTestR
describe Account do context "transfering money" do it "deposits transfer amount to the other account" do source =, :USD) target = mock('target account') target.should_receive(:deposit).with(, :USD)) source.transfer(5, :USD).to(target) end it "reduces its balance by the transfer amount" do source =, :USD) target = stub('target account') source.transfer(5, :USD).to(target) source.balance.should ==, :USD) end end end
I've tried to use pure RSpec; I must be missing something, because I can't seem to get it to work. There doesn't seem to be enough documentation handy for me to understand how to "turn on" RSpec for JTestR.
rspec The rspec configuration works exactly like the test_unit configuration value. It also has the same :all parameter, for specifying that all tests are RSpec tests.
Supposedly, this is where I configure RSpec to be used for my tests. I get some strange error about the missing method "filenames" when I do.
Getting Started of JTestR documentation for mocks to return a dynamic value from a Mocha mock in Ruby
prc = do |xml| "mocked: #{xml}" end to_mock.stubs(:post_to_embassy).with(orderInfoXml1).returns( to_mock.stubs(:post_to_embassy).with(orderInfoXml2).returns(
Mocking constructors in Ruby
require 'mocha' mock_file_obj = mock("My Mock File") do stubs(:some_instance_method).returns("foo") end File.stubs(:new).with(is_a(String)).returns(mock_file_obj)
Mocha documentation - Class: Mocha::Mock
object = mock() object.expects(:expected_method) object.expected_method
Using Java Classes in JRuby
include Java ... Dir["/some/path/\*.jar"].each { |jar| require jar }
This was instrumental in helping me understand how to pull in Java files into my Ruby tests.
Different dependencies for different build profiles in maven
<profiles> <profile> <id>debug</id> … <dependencies> <dependency>…</dependency> </dependencies> … </profile> <profile> <id>release</id> … <dependencies> <dependency>…</dependency> </dependencies> … </profile> </profiles>
Configure JTestR with Maven
<plugin> <groupId>org.jtestr</groupId> <artifactId>jtestr</artifactId> <version>0.3.2-SNAPSHOT</version> <configuration> <port>20333</port> </configuration> <executions> <execution> <goals> <goal>test</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> </plugin>
Anyone using JRuby testing framework for Eclipse/Maven? might be an option I can look into if JTestR doesn't end up working.
JTestR + Eclipse
JRuby & JTestR in Eclipse In your eclipse Package Manager sidebar, Right Click -#> Run As.. -#> Run Configurations. Go ahead and select ‘JUnit’ and hit the ‘New Launch Configuration’ button. Fill in the configuration as follows: * Run a single test Project: your-project-name Test class: org.jtestr.ant.JtestRSuite Now just open the ‘Arguments’ tab and inside the ‘VM arguments:’ box -Djtestr.junit.tests=rspec_tests rspec_tests is the folder where my tests are stored, feel free to change this to something like /test/jtestr/funny_test or whatever structure you store your files in.
Valuable little gem that helped me get my JTestR tests running in Eclipse.
Boost your Java Test with Ruby and JtestR another plug for JTestR. Again promising the benefits of RSpec. If I could only get it to work for me...
What is needed in order to run the JTestR samples? (or using JTestR at all)
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.jtestr -DartifactId=jruby-complete -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=r1c672b495cfd204421f4a7aed17f6135e730a3b2 -Dfile=[PATH_TO_DOWNLOADED.jar]
I needed to do this as well when I tried to pull in JTestR resources.
JRuby documentation up JRuby Mocha with several helpers to simplify testing Java from Ruby is old code. If it could be resurrected, it might prove useful for testing my Java code.
Unit Testing J2EE from JRuby, old. And the speaker isn't there to fill in the context. It sounds like it was a great presentation. Might hold some further clues to successfully testing Java using Ruby.
Using JRuby with Maven
<dependency> <groupId>org.jruby</groupId> <artifactId>jruby-core</artifactId> <version>1.7.0.RC1</version> </dependency>
JRuby and Java Code Examples; looks a little overwhelming at first glance.
Your First Day with JRuby slideshow; without the speaker, I'm not sure how much worth this will be.
RSpec Expectations - Ruby Java Bridge
instance = str.new_with_sig('Ljava.lang.String;', 'hiki is a wiki engine')
Another way to call Ruby from Java code?
Module: Mocha::API
- (Mock) mock(name, &block) - (Mock) mock(expected_methods_vs_return_values = {}, &block) - (Mock) mock(name, expected_methods_vs_return_values = {}, &block)
Class: RSpec::Core::RakeTask
- (Object) pattern Glob pattern to match files. default: 'spec/*/_spec.rb'
Trying to get JRSplenda working again by upgrading some of the calls. I admit, I really didn't have enough background on the project yet to do much besides being dangerous.
Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby (w/tag 1.2.0)'s the require for "RSpec::Core::RakeTask"?
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
RSpec runner and formatters can't I load spectask?
no such file to load -- spec/rake/spectask
In my case, it is because the code I was revamping used RSpec and I had RSpec2 installed.
Why does Ruby 1.9.2 remove “.” from LOAD_PATH, and what's the alternative?
require_relative 'file_to_require' # or require './filename' # or export RUBYLIB="." # or require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'filename'))
Bundler: how to use without rails?
require "rubygems" # The part that activates bundler in your app: require "bundler/setup" # require your gems as usual require "some_gem"
Unit testing in Ruby is no Java to speak of here, but this looked pretty good for Ruby development.
Running specific Maven Test with JVM Args
<plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <forkMode>pertest</forkMode> <argLine>${maven.test.jvmargs}</argLine> </configuration> </plugin>
Exec Maven Plugin - Usage
Note: The java goal doesn't spawn a new process. Any VM specific option that you want to pass to the executed class must be passed to the Maven VM using the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable. E.g. MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx1024m
Hoe versions to get JRSplenda working required some changes. I thought by going back in time to a previous version of Hoe that I would be able to fix somethings. In the end, I think I simply commented out the references to hoe.
Switch from deprecated to Hoe.spec to use git to download a particular tag?
git clone will give you the whole repository. After the clone, you can list the tags with git tag -l and then checkout a specific tag: git checkout tags/<tag_name>
Install Gem from Github Branch?
$ rake build
It's suggested that "gem" be left off the "rake build" command.