deployment - Capistrano for Java? - Stack Overflow strategy for Java web services?
Other options include
- ControlTier
- Fabric (Python)
- Func
At my work we use Capistrano exclusively to deploy all of our Java applications. It is definitely possible.
Bob Smith,
java - Debugging in Maven? - Stack Overflow sure would be nice to not have a dependency on Eclipse. Having access to a command-line debugger would help in that area.
mvn exec:exec -Dexec.executable="java" -Dexec.args="-classpath %classpath -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=1044"
ruby - Rails/Prawn: how do I use rails helpers inside a Prawn class? - Stack Overflow
Extending Prawn helpers was as easy as creating an initializer and putting something like this in.
# $RAILS_ROOT/config/initializers/prawnto.rb module MyFancyModule def party! text "It's a big party!" end end Prawn::Document.extensions << MyFancyModule
It's also possible to mix in some of your own Rails helpers or anything really. I'm not sure if this is anything other than a more formal way of introducing a monkey patch, though.
# $RAILS_ROOT/config/initializers/prawnto.rb Prawn::Document.extensions << ReportPdf Prawn::Document.extensions << EntriesHelper
prawnto_2 does not accept a way to use a different class for the instance. You have to inject your modifications into Prawn::Document when Rails first comes up (e.g., an initializer).
# prawnto_2-0.2.5/lib/prawnto/template_handlers/renderer.rb def initialize(view_context, calling_object = nil) @view_context = view_context @calling_object = calling_object set_instance_variables @pdf =[:prawn]); end
Current Cursor Position when Using the Prawn Ruby Library - Stack Overflow is probably a better way to accomplish moving the cursor to a particular 'y' position.
ruby on rails - prawnto displaying tables that don't break when new page - Stack Overflow paginating a PDF file using Prawn, there is no other way to determine the ultimate height of a stretchy box than to render it and access the @height attribute to get its value.
It appears that programatically determining where to introduce a page break might be challenging, especially when using prawnto_2. It might just mean that it will be necessary to not use the gem that helps integrate Prawn with Rails and use more explicit notation in the controller actions.
# controller action respond_to do |format| format.html format.pdf do pdf = pdf.text "This is an audit." # Use whatever prawn methods you need on the pdf object to generate the PDF file right here. send_data pdf.render, type: "application/pdf", disposition: "inline" # send_data renders the pdf on the client side rather than saving it on the server filesystem. # Inline disposition renders it in the browser rather than making it a file download. end end
There is an interesting solution for pagination that involves using transaction/rollback, but apparently it is a little buggy.
@current_page = pdf.page_count @roll = pdf.transaction do pdf.move_down 20 pdf.table @data, :font_size => 12, :border_style => :grid, :horizontal_padding => 10, :vertical_padding => 3, :border_width => 2, :position => :left, :row_colors => ["FFFFFF","DDDDDD"] pdf.rollback if pdf.page_count > @current_page end if @roll == false pdf.start_new_page pdf.table @data, :font_size => 12, :border_style => :grid, :horizontal_padding => 10, :vertical_padding => 3, :border_width => 2, :position => :left, :row_colors => ["FFFFFF","DDDDDD"] end
#153 PDFs with Prawn (revised) - RailsCasts comments hint at some of the cool things that can be done. A more comprehensive list of examples can be found in Prawn's self-generated help document.
ruby on rails - Using lists in prawn - Stack Overflow a bulleted list in Prawn. It's suggested that WickedPDF offers a better PDF generating solution.
table([ ["•", "First Element"], ["•", "Second Element"], ["•", "Third Element"] ])
Referring to selected text in a zen coding operation! This is a great way to take a list of urls and format them in an unordered list.
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